
List Of Pharmaceutical Companies In Singapore And The Impact It Has On The Global Market

Pharmaceutical companies in Singapore have made a huge impact on the global market. Because of government policies and initiatives companies worldwide are getting attracted to invest in Singapore in the field of research and development of medical and pharmaceutical technology. The future of the pharma companies is looking great in this country and the modern infrastructure it provides for the development and research of medicine has made it possible for the world of pharma to grow and progress here. The list of pharmaceutical companies in Singapore that have made this country their hub are given below:

Pharma companies in Singapore 

Pharma companies worldwide are drawn towards Singapore because of the way the government has supported the growth and development of medical research with ultra-modern technology and infrastructure. Everything from government policies to funding has attracted the global pharma companies to invest here.

  • Novartis
  • IX Biopharma
  • Edwards Life science
  • Abbot
  • Astra Zeneca
  • Glaxo SmithKline
  • Hyphens Pharma
  • Johnson and Johnson
  • MSD Pharma
  • Pfizer
  • Roche

The list goes on with some of the most internationally renowned pharma companies making Singapore their home for medical research and development. The global impact that Singapore has on the pharmaceutical field cannot be taken lightly. The government is considering providing all kinds of initiatives for international pharma companies to invest here. So to say that the future of the pharma companies looks bright here cannot be an exaggeration at all.

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